Temporary staffing 人材紹介サービス 




人材紹介・サービス対応職種 業務請負

海外人材の人材紹介 海外現地技術者、海外在住日本人、日本人留学生
海外向け人材紹介 日本人技術者、海外現地採用人材、海外赴任できる人材


International student support 留学生サポート 



日本留学の魅力や世界から見た日本ってどんな国? かをお伝えできます。
留学計画・スケジュール をサポートします。
日本語学校や高等専門学校への短期留学・編入学 をお手伝い。
日本留学試験 (EJU)・学費・奨学金・アルバイトについても相談できます。

Temporary staffing

There are many talented foreigners who are fluent in English in addition to their native language and Japanese.
It can be expected to play an active role in overseas expansion and internal globalization.
Our company has a network all over the world including Asia and can respond to detailed needs.

Do you have any requests like this?

・ I want to hire foreign personnel who have work experience at Japanese companies.
・ I want to hire foreigners with work visas (working visas, permanent residents, Japanese spouses, permanent residents, etc.).
・ I want to hire foreigners who are fluent in N1 level Japanese.
・ I want to recruit potential international students from Asian countries
・ I want to increase the number of foreign employees who can handle inbound business
・ I would like to hire foreigners who can play an active role as executive candidates for overseas subsidiaries in the future after working at the head office in Japan.

Personnel introduction / service type

In Japan
Global human resources
Foreign residents in Japan, foreign students, global human resources
Introduction of overseas human resources Overseas local engineers, Japanese residing overseas, Japanese students
Human resources for overseas Japanese engineers, human resources hired overseas, human resources who can be assigned overseas

International student support


Relieve concerns about studying abroad and lead to a further educational environment

What kind of country Japan looks like from the perspective of studying in Japan and the world? I can tell you.
We support study abroad plans and schedules.
Helps students study or transfer to a Japanese language school or college of technology for a short period of time.
You can also consult about the EJU, tuition, scholarships, and part-time jobs.
Please feel free to contact us.
A Japanese language school is a place where foreign students who want to go on to higher education institutions in Japan obtain a “study abroad” visa and acquire Japanese and other subjects.